Proyecto bilingüe

Our bilingual project focuses on a communicative methodology that provides interaction with a magical language, this is formalized when we create spaces where aspects such as curiosity, personal interests, research, fun learning and the development of English skills are possible; This is the perfect interaction between wondering, looking for answers, making interactions, all through the use of English and to improve it. 

As a bilingual proposal, we integrate all the student training processes in order to create an adequate environment for learning and mastering this second language.

Bilingual environments
Bilingual environments are the perfect moment to practice English in natural contexts outside the classroom, students are involved in different sort of activities related to arts (drawing, dancing, music, literature, theatre), culture, society, science an critical thinking. The Bilingual department team invites you to participate in all these new experiences for practicing English and learning about different things in the three different sections at San Pacho s School.
Good space radio
We strengthen the confidence in the exposure of the English language of the students through creative and attractive dynamics that provide them with fluency and development in different topics of their interest. Through the locution on our radio station, each of the academic courses activates a communicative proposal in which current issues are discussed together with a musical genre proposal that also enlivens the sessions.
Sintonizate project
We seek the same channel of communication in the development of all our disciplines and academic activities so that their execution is clear and explicit for our students. For this reason, from the bilingualism area we created this connection space in which classroom projects are linked and follow a strategic learning route for our children both in the base subjects and in the interaction and mastery of the second language for each of them.
Clasroom project spread time
The class project is represented by means of a creation construct in which, throughout the academic year, students activate research actions in order to obtain as a result a tangible product that commemorates their effort and performance on the selected theme. The project in turn creates an active awareness in learning the English language since it is immersed in all stages of the project including the presentation or exposure to the public.
International examinations
We create continuous monitoring internally and externally, in which we can improve the progress of learning in the English language in each of the academic courses of the school. This is how we refine the skills in search of our students obtaining the required levels in each of the formal tests carried out under Cambridge standards. The first formalization is carried out in fifth grade of primary school with the application of the TOELF Primary, the second is activated in eleventh grade with the application of the Lingua Skill

We create alliances that improve the experience of our students


Se unen para invitarte una experiencia inolvidable en una de las ciudades más seguras del mundo 
Campamento de Verano 
Vive y estudia por 1 mes en la universidad más importante de Canadá. 
Mejora tu inglés mientras te diviertes y haces amigos de todas partes del mundo. 
Nuestra alianza garantiza un certificado internacional y un programa con todo incluido. 
Mayor información sobre el programa y precios, enviar un correo a Rectoría a través de Phidias. 

They come together to invite you an unforgettable experience in one of the safest cities in the world 

Summer Camp

Live and study for 1 month at the most important university in Canada. 

Improve your English while having fun and making friends from all over the world. 

Our alliance guarantees an international certificate and an all-inclusive program. 

For more information about the program and prices, send an email to the Rectory through Phidias. 


Estadía en el Campus 
• 18 horas semanales de clase + materiales 
• Seguro médico 
• Chaperón enviado por el GCSFS 
• Actividades extra curriculares 
Para los estudiantes del Gimnasio Campestre San Francisco de Sales, la Universidad Wright State (Dayton, Ohio) ofrece un programa intensivo en inglés que cubre prácticas y actividades de comunicación a través de las cuatro habilidades principales: lectura, escritura, conversación y escucha. 


  • Stay on Campus
  • 18 weekly hours of class + materials
  • Health insurance
  • Chaperone sent by the GCSFS
  • Extracurricular activities

For students at San Pacho’s School, Wright State University (Dayton, Ohio) offers an intensive English program that covers communication practices and activities through the four main skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. 


  • Norte América (USA y Canadá) 
  • Reino unido (Inglaterra, Escocia, Irlanda del Norte y Gales) 
  • Europa (Francia, Alemania, Italia, Malta, Irlanda, España) 
  • Oceanía (Australia y Nueva Zelanda) 
  • Asia (Japón, Corea, Singapur y China) 
  • África Sudáfrica 
  • Otros 

Manejando un portafolio amplio de programas académicos a la medida de cada persona 

  • Idiomas 
  • Campamentos de verano 
  • Idiomas + Demi Pair 
  • High School 
  • Educación Media (Certificados & Diplomas) 
  • Programas Especializados 
  • Programas de Familia  
  • Educación Superior  


  • North America (USA and Canada)
  • United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales)
  • Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Malta, Ireland, Spain)
  • Oceania (Australia and New Zealand)
  • Asia (Japan, Korea, Singapore and China)
  • Africa South Africa
  • Others


Managing a broad portfolio of academic programs tailored to each person 

  • Languages
  • Summer camps
  • Languages + Demi Pair
  • High School
  • Secondary Education (Certificates & Diplomas)
  • Specialized Programs
  • Family Programs
  • Bachellors education